Old Antique Pottery Forum

Are these fake?
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Author:  h2ogirl [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Are these fake?

Does anyone ever look at this Niloak page? I'm wondering about these little vases. Which are real? The horn on the left has an imprint that is almost impossible to read, but looks like NILOAK. The green one in the middle has the raised mark, but the glaze is pretty sloppily applied with some visible holidays. The blue twist looks similar to a marked piece that I've seen a lot, but this one is not marked and the shape looks a little wonky. So, if anyone ever looks here, please let me know what you think. Also what era? Thanks y'all.

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Author:  Admin [ Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are these fake?

I'd feel confident that the one in the middle is genuine. They did write on some pieces & used stickers that would / should be scrubbed off if you're using it as a utilitarian ware (no-one thought that these would be valuable w/ or without out a sticker).

I have 2 of those 3 Niloak forms in a closet right next to me as I write. :) The one on the left reminds me of Haeger or Royal Haeger.

I wish more people "looked" as well, the history is cool & progression important.

Thanks for writing & good luck!


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