Old Antique Pottery Forum

U.S.A. Backstamp
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Author:  Bobbi [ Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  U.S.A. Backstamp

Does anyone know what companies used just the letters "U.S.A." (with the periods) on their imprinted backstamps? This is in the china or stoneware, not on it or raised. I THINK the pieces are from the early 1900's, but could be slightly earlier or later, though not too much. There is no other marking and the "U.S.A." is not on every piece. For example it is not on all the small plates but is on the few cups I have. There is no crazing, the pieces are pretty solid, not delicate at all and are an off-white/biege/light tan color. I am embarassed to say that at first I thought they were china but now I'm thinking maybe their stone ware which is why I am not having any luck finding something similar online. Thank you!

Author:  Debonyx [ Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: U.S.A. Backstamp

I have quite a few white/off white pieces marked U.S.A myself. If I find a good resource I will let you know. Here is a good link from our administrator .http://www.oldantiquepottery.info/usa-pottery.htm

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