Hello. I came this folk art pottery figurine of a rooster, it is multi colored, glazed, measures about 5.75” high, the base is brown, and is not glazed. It seems very old, and the guy told me it was from Pennsylvania, redware, but I saw that most of the redware are actually red, and cannot find anything similar to mine. I would appreciate any help. I posted on ebay discussion board, I got an answer that it is modern persian, middle east pottery. It really does not strike me as modern, I have seen some fakes, but in no case I'm an expert on it. Would appreciate any opinions. Thank you in advance!!
I wanted to upload some photos, but somehow I cannot, keeps telling me upload in progress, but nothing actually happens. here is the link to my ebay discussion
http://community.ebay.com/t5/Pottery-Gl ... #U19568569