Old Antique Pottery Forum

Hoenig signature question.
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Author:  Camillepaula [ Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Hoenig signature question.

Hello from Missouri! Yesterday while at a flea market I found an exquisite piece! At least I love it! If I can, I will upload a photo. The piece is a pastel pink relish dish with no blemishes. It is almost tear drop shape, with three long compartments and a round one at the top of them for dips and such. The center tray has a diamand pattern on it. My concern is the signature. It looks like a hoeing signature,but the spelling is wrong. It's reads: honeig of calif. 50 U.S.A. Can anyone assist me with this? Truth is, if it isn't a legit piece, I still LOVE it!

Thanks in advance for any help
P.s. I tried to up load and my photo is too big. I'm on my cell but may try again when home to upload.

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